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Guatemala Huehuetenango világos espresso pörkölés
The creamy body of our coffee is enhanced by its floral aroma, milk chocolate and light citrus flavours, and medium acidity.
Origin: Guatemala
Region: Huehuetenango
Farm: Cooperativa Comal
Height : 1.700 msnm
Variety: Arabica / Bourbon - Caturra - Catuaís
Processing : Washed
Cup profile: Slightly floral aroma, with milk chocolate and slightly citrus notes, creamy body and medium acidity.
Huehuetenango is located in the Northwest region and offers one of the finest coffee crops in the country. This area is located in the highest and driest region, so the coffee is grown at an altitude of around 2000 metres above sea level. The coffee beans are characterised by a delicate and intense acidity. Coffee is grown on slopes higher than 50% and on mountains at an altitude of 1700 metres above sea level, with clayey soil that is not too stony, which allows the plant to grow well. Care of the plant, supplying it with the right nutrients based on soil analysis, taking care of its environment, creating natural barriers and channels so that the rains do not wash away the richness of the soil. Coffee growing is based on constant production and the pursuit of quality every year.
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