Spicces figs respect - Cake of the Country 2023

Az adott nap előtt a rendelés legalább 4 nappal érdemes leadni, hogy azt biztosan eltudjuk készíteni! 16 szeletes 17990 Ft
The cake is made up of an almond flour butter joconde whipped cream, a soft salted caramel mousse cream and a walnut-caramel crunch with a cocoa bean crumble. The tokaji sour cherry fig jelly and acacia honey milk chocolate mirror jelly make this a truly special flavour, topped with an acacia honey white chocolate ganache and a walnut sablé disc. In the name of the cake, the adjective "spicces" refers to the wine content of the fig jelly, while the "respect" is a tribute to the creator's teachers and mentors. The cake is safe to be eaten by children, as the technology used to make it means that no alcohol remains in the cake.


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