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White Lamb Blend Capsule Coffee
The dry-processed Brazilian Sitio Sao Sebastiano in the blend brings the fermented flavours, the roasted washed Nicaragua the chocolate and the Brazilian the cocoa sweetness. At the same time it's like a milk chocolate bomb now in Nespresso compatible home compostable capsule form.
Price of 10 capsules: 1990 Ft
Price of 10 capsules: 1990 Ft
The dry-processed Brazilian Sitio Sao Sebastiano in the blend brings the fermented flavours, the roasted washed Nicaragua the chocolate and the Brazilian the cocoa sweetness. At the same time it's like a milk chocolate bomb now in Nespresso compatible home compostable capsule form.
Aroma and flavour notes | milk chocolate, Cocoa, mazsola |
CUSTOMERS | Brazil Sitio Sao Sebastiano Nicaragua Finca Las Cumbres, Brazil Fazenda Rancho Alegre |
QUESTION | Specialty |
PROCEDURE | Mosott, Dry |
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