Bárány Béla Cézár Salátája
Extra választható feltétek: csirkemell(+990 Ft), grill camembert(+990 Ft), lazac(+1190 Ft), Angus Marhahús(+1190 Ft), Crispy csirke(+1190 Ft)
Extra választható feltétek: csirkemell(+990 Ft), grill camembert(+990 Ft), lazac(+1190 Ft), Angus Marhahús(+1190 Ft), Crispy csirke(+1190 Ft)
Fried eggs, bacon, debrecen, mushrooms, beans with tomatoes, tomatoes, sourdough bread, butter
Sausage from the Fat Farm, sourdough bread, horseradish, Black Sheep mustard
Homemade waffles, Bacon, Fried eggs, Maple syrup, Cranberry jam, Butter
Welcome to our website!
We wish you a pleasant browsing and shopping!
Mokkagastro Ltd.
4030 Debrecen, Diószegi út 3.
Company registration number: 09-09-018953
Tax number: 22670742209
Email: hello@black-sheep.hu