Peru Finca Gálvez Naturallight espresso roasting

A light roast with a honey aroma and sweet bean coffee with chocolate and fruity notes.
Peru - Finca Gálvez
Region Satipo - Santa Rosa de Ocopa
Farmer: Niskar Gálvez Felix
Altitude: 1 455 m
Varietal: Arabica / Catuaí amarillo - Pache - Bourbon
Rating: specialty
Processing: natural / dry
Aroma and flavours: honeyed scent, sweet, chocolate and fruity notes.
About the producer:
An immigrant from Huancavelica, a mountainous region of Peru, he is a very disciplined partner who does everything he can to improve his family's quality of life. In 2012, Niskar's production dropped significantly due to yellow coffee rust. From then on, he has been more careful and has switched to other varieties, such as yellow catuai, which has a high yield. In 2023, he got the opportunity to produce Natural coffee and he is very happy with what he is learning and at the same time improving his economy with his main income, which is coffee. Together with the Cooperative's technician, Yoan, they have developed the Natural coffee production process and have achieved good results that motivate them to continue to improve and meet customer expectations.
About the region:
Peru is an exceptionally promising country for high-quality coffee. The country is the largest exporter of organic Arabica coffee in the world. Due to the extremely high altitude and fertile soil, the country's small farmers also produce some impressive specialty coffees. The department of Junín is located in the centre of the Republic of Peru. Its territory covers the western and eastern parts of the Andean region, which is covered by the Amazon jungle. The majority of coffee-growing families in the country are small farmers, with an average of three to five hectares of land. A third of agricultural employment is linked to the coffee industry (around 2 million Peruvians depend on this activity) and it is common for producers to join associations or cooperatives to obtain better prices, improve post-harvest management of production and participate in more cooperative ventures.  
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